Monday, November 29, 2010

For Wed./Thurs., 12/1, 12/2

Permission Slips for photographing downtown LG must be signed and returned.
If not, you will probably get some really tedious and annoying assignment to do in the library - and have to turn it in to me before the end of class.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Photo book activity CHANGE for #1

With the photo of the day being not as easily findable as we would like, you are encouraged to follow these steps for #1 of the photobook activities for the third grading period.

1. sign in to
2. click on "explore"
3. on the R., where it says select a month, please do so
(for ex., I will choose Nov.)
4. on the day of the week that you need (ex., Nov. 15), click on that day
this will bring up a smaller "box" of six photos
5. click on one of those six images for your photo of the day
6. press Cmd+Shift+4 (on a Mac) and drag the "cross bar" across the image
this will save that portion of the screen to your desktop
you may, alternatively, download the image by Ctrl + click-ing on it
7. drag that image into a word doc. and resize
8. continue for the next 6 days with the above 7 steps
9. make sure to write a one sentence description of each image
10. print out that page
11. tape it into your photobook
12. bask in the done-ness of it all

e-Contact 3

Due 11/22 for per. 3/5
Due 11/23 for per. 2/4/6

In Class

For Tues. 11/16 & Wed. 11/17

Demo and notes for Vignetting using Smart Filters

all photographing for Part 3 of the Multi. Part Assignment - and any re-shooting for Part 1 & 2 needs to be done before next week...
we will be using the photo lab in the library so that everyone can be on the computer at the same time to ...
prep/show e-contact sheet #3
prep images from parts 1, 2, 3 for print
get practice with ...
levels, burning, dodging, spot healing, healing brush, vignetting, etc.

All 3 images are tentatively set to be due at the beg. of dec. - stay tuned for more details.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Today's Notes

While these won't be graded until the 3rd grading period of the semester, there were some notes taken about basic "darkroom" techniques.
Before anything else, remember, SUBTLE SUBTLE SUBTLE ... seriously, I can't stress that enough in regards to burning and dodging.

Make sure to create a new layer for burning and one for dodging by option clicking on the new layer icon in the bottom of the layers palette.

Choose your default colors; choose your brush tool; make sure the opacity is BELOW 20%.
Make several passes to lighten and darken the necessary areas.

Of course the notes in class are more specific, but these will be the first of the notes for the last grading period of this semester.

Wow, 1/3 of the way through the year (nearly)!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Photo Book List for 2nd Grading Period

In addition to the four photobook activities that you should have completed, when your photobook is due on 11/12/2010 I will also be checking for the following notes/activities we have taken this grading period:

Contact Sheet Notes
Cropping Notes
Green Amex 1/2 sheet rough draft
Custom Canvas Notes
Venn Diagram (compare contrast 2 photos)
B/W Conversion Notes
2 4x6 prints (one was 4x5 on 4x6)
1/2 sheet multi assignment handout with def. for abstract & non objective art
Misc. Photoshop Notes 1 - introduced Levels
Some Lingo to know - blown out, clipped, contrast, flat
Healing Brush Notes - Spot Heal, Standard Heal, Red Eye